Certified Addiction Counseling
This counseling is with a state certified addiction counselor (CAC) with counseling pertaining to all types of addictions, codependency, adult children of alcoholics or adult children of dysfunction families and relationships.
Pastoral Counseling
Pastoral counseling is private spiritual counseling for those who are experiencing difficulty in their relationships with God, themselves and others because of painful life circumstances. All sessions are with an ordained minister with recovery experience.
Inner Healing/Spiritual Warfare
Inner Healing spiritual warfare is God’s sovereign act of revealing the lies in an individual person’s belief system then replacing the lies with His truth to heal the area of the soul that has been painfully wounded. While Inner Healing/Spiritual Warfare does not change what has happened to the person, it does allow God to heal the damaged emotional and spiritual effects of the pain inflicted upon the person. Inner Healing/Spiritual Warfare principles and tools are also taught to the individual to help identify future fear-based lies and how to break those strongholds.
These are very intense sessions personally with Pastor Dana who is trained to facilitate deliverance through the power of the Holy Spirit. Clients must go through an in depth intake session to help them understand the concepts of spiritual warfare and the proper use of its application for the healing of the strongholds.
Certified Recovery and Life Coaching
Recovery and Life Coaching is a strength-based process which helps clients remove personal and environmental barriers to recovery from addictive disorders. The coaching process helps clients to step back, question and analyze their thinking habits, and take action toward their realization of their visions, goals and desires. It is a collaborative partnership between a Professional Recovery Coach and a client that establishes a uniquely supportive, personal and creative interaction that allows for fresh perspectives, enhanced ability to connect so the client can develop interpersonal skills and healthy relationships which are vital to growth and life satisfaction.