In the fall of the year 2000, Dana Hepworth started Life Recovery Ministries, Inc. (LRM) to help families and individuals struggling with alcohol, drugs, emotional, physical, sexual abuse and many other dysfunctional behaviors effecting the victims and families.
Pastors Marcia & Dana Hepworth
As years went by and after thousands of counseling sessions, Dana, who is a state certified addiction counselor (CAC), was noticing that many of the reoccurring issues in his clients were due to the lack of knowledge lack of emotional and relational needs that were not met by their parents or those who raised them during their childhood and teenage years. This was noticed not only in clients with addictive backgrounds but also with families and others with no addiction or compulsive damaging behaviors in their personalities.
Those needs required Dana to have long extensive sessions to explain to clients how their childhood issues affected them in the past and how those issues are still influencing their lives in their decisions and relationships as adults. The majority of those choices were unhealthy.
The need became so great that in order to reach the core of the issues, Dana felt the absolutely necessity to write an educational workshop called the “Adult Children of Disconnected Families and Relationships” short term called (ACOD). Right away Dana noticed the benefit the group dynamic added to the understanding of our past relationtional history and its affect on us as adults.
Even though this workshop covered so much of our adult issues, it was important to introduce a second workshop to teach us how to translate all this knowledge into everyday life in order to nurture that still hurting child inside.
This workshop was named the “Inner Healing Instruction, Application and Journaling Workshop”. It is a day-to-day awareness of our attitudes and thoughts and taking personal responsibility to shape our lives relationally and spiritually in the future.
Dana then saw the need to have a support program in place that parallels recovery programs in the community but with a higher level of accountability to continue to deal with the inner child’s wounds with men and women who have experienced the same pain as children.
The (ACOD) Inner Healing Support Groups were then started for Men and Women. There are two women’s groups that meet weekly as well as two men’s groups that meet weekly.
Dana has definitely noticed the permanent changes people only dream to experience the healing that God is perfecting day by day in their lives.
Many pastors, Christian leaders, therapist, and medical professionals, thanks to our exposure with many radio programs such as the Moody Broadcasting Radio Station, and a strong referral network have come forward in safety and confidence, to deal with areas such as sexual addiction, burn out, and the need for Inner Healing to get back in the battle of ministry and life.
Hundreds of referrals have come from healing ministries, such as abortion recovery, grief recovery, many types of abuse and addiction recovery programs from different churches, because of what God is doing in these intense sessions. Understand, we are only as sick as our secrets and fears. Seven out of ten clients who seek counseling have been abused or sexually molested. Life Recovery Ministries, Inc. has a proven track record for success if the client really is ready to do whatever it takes to be humble and allow God to give them wisdom and direction in the healing for their pain.