Out of the hundreds of LRM written testimonies, here are just a few testimonies of those who have experienced the freedom that only comes from being willing to allow Jesus Christ to heal their past wounds and give them a new direction in their relationship with Him.
“When I came here, I was in denial. I was angry and struggling in my marriage. I had been living with my husband’s emotional unavailability for far too long. We were on the brink of divorce. In my perfectionism, I just could not let go of my over developed sense of responsibility towards my children. Like a loaded rifle without the safety, I was constantly triggered by my fears of abandonment, failure and rejection. Having been a Christian since 1987, I thought, “The Blood” should simply cover my feelings. What I was looking for, I was not finding in the church. I felt conflicted, guilty and ashamed all the time. I was at a bottom. My husband was referred to LRM. While speaking with my husband, Dana discerned that I needed to be here too. He attends the men’s inner healing support group at LRM. I had inner healing sessions with Dana, which was a vital step to ending my denial. I was raised in an abusive, violent, performance-based home and learned to make the connection of how I brought those coping behaviors into my marriage, parenting and adult life.
In this valley of our lives, LRM has blessed us with some scholarship help and love. Our family is healing. Our children, ages 13, 11 and 8 years old actually have their own programs now. My husband and I are learning to practice open and honest communication. I see my husband rising from a painful emotional slumber to show love to me and our children that I know is being modeled to him by Pastor Dana and the men in his group at LRM. Today I love my husband in a way that was impossible before. I can’t think of a better way to practice step 12 than Pastors Dana’s spirit led teachings and the seriously funny humility I witness in his ministry.”
“The interaction among the group is amazing. I learn something every time I attend because of the fact that the other guys in the group are also adult children. I get answers and healing by just listening to others share their stories. I also feel comfortable to share my life because it’s a safe place with a high level of accountability.”
“Life Recovery has changed my life in so many ways. I can truly say that I feel blessed to be associated with such a wonderful ministry. I really admire the openness and accountability that comes with being in the group. Thank you guys so much for caring for me when I needed it the most.”
“I am grateful that I had an experience such as this one for spiritual healing. God has guided me to people, who have been able to help me grow more in the Lord and I am so blessed and healed. The sessions provided insight, clarity and healing. I know that I am loved by the Lord and have been delivered in His righteousness. I would recommend this experience with Life Recovery Ministries to anyone who is struggling to know who they are in Christ.”
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank LRM for all of the Passion-Wisdom and Devotion it took to help me and so many others! I am grateful for the ministry’s work and teaching me the Truth about our Lord and Father! I have had some awareness’ - I am a child of an alcoholic father, I was sexually assaulted by a neighbor at the age of 6, I survived drug and
alcohol abuse.... and am a survivor of a gunpoint kidnapping. I am a survivor! I finally understand that the Lord wants me to be cleansed and healthy. I now understand that I am who I am based on my woundedness. I am now taking a look at these wounds and choosing healing rather than denial. The Lord desires for me to learn the truth about his word and testify to others of his good works. I am loved, I am worthy and I will continue to learn from LRM.”
“My sessions at Life Recovery Ministries have taught me how to deal with my fears, and low self esteem. Inner healing has put to rest my past sins and gave me the tools needed when the enemy whispers “you’re unworthy”, “you’ll never change”, “and you’re a failure just like your father”. I am putting the past behind me and am able to identify the core issues of my dysfunction. I can truly accept the things I can not change and I am working fervently to change what I can through the empowerment of God and His son Jesus!”